Occult Pendant Of President Buer


  • He is a teacher of Logic and Philosophy
  • He is also a teacher of Herbal Medicine and can heal all wounds and illnesses
  • He gives good familiars to his dedicated summoners
  • He presides over instincts, self-initiation, nature magick and self-transformation
  • He strengthens the witch’s second sight and her astral healing
  • He also teaches the witch the framework of Natural Law.


Buer (commonly pronounced Boo-er) is the tenth spirit of the Goetia, the Lesser Key of Solomon. Some say that he is a demon, but known to be “grey” on the scale of light to dark. Since ancient times, demons have been known to possess healing abilities. Jesus is even accused, in the New Testament, of using demons to perform healing miracles.

Healing is easily one of the skills of Buer. We’re talking about physical and emotional healing. He is known to bring healing from illness and disease. If you have been injured, he has a reputation to speed your recovery.

When you are exploring mental healing, Buer can assist you in understanding your personal desires and how they harm or help you on your path through life. If you are interested in depth psychology, Buer is known for easing ones mental suffering from dark perceptions of the self.

This pendant makes a permanent change to your aura and other energetic systems. In fact, this will enable you carry the energy within and through you.

All my pendant / talismans are consecrated by me according to the rituals of High White Magic and other sacred rituals, Once Consecrated, this powerful Talisman should not be touched by anyone but only you the user.